Event detail
#165783Date (local)
2024-03-31 12:20:54
1.2 ± 0.3
5 km S di Socchieve (Udine)
Location type
revised by a seismologist
Date (UTC)
2024-03-31 10:20:54
Lat., Long.
46.3563, 12.8108
Depth (km)
Seismological analysis
shakemap: data not avaliable
moment tensors: data not avaliable
Localization of the event and past seismicity in the area
The map shows the latest 100 earthquakes (brown markers) occurred in the area around the epicenter (30 km radius) and the earthquakes with magnitude greater than 3.8 (purple marker, if any) occurred since 1977. Click on each event for details. Furthermore, it is possible to download .kml and .csv files including all events recorded by us in the area around the epicenter (30 km radius), since 1977. export in csv format export in kml formatCaption
last year
M > 5.5
4.5 < M < 5.5
3.5 < M < 4.5
2.5 < M < 3.5
M < 2.5